10 Best Virtual Assistant Websites to Get a Remote Assistant Job

By Myilraj G 

Updated on Oct 28, 2022



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Let me list the best 10 Virtual Assistant Websites where you can join and work as a remote assistant

Working from home is the best and most flexible option for workers. It is a revolutionary option to ease the work with the balance of household duties.

For part-time workers and freelancers, working from home is not a strange one. But the regular job goers and doing a job in time like a pandemic is a certain strange one.

Simply, our working world has shrunken. Moreover, telecommunication supports a lot to ease our mandatory work from home.

But the companies or the business entrepreneurs who appoint virtual assistants are not bothering about such situations.

Actually, they are administrative assistants and work as a professional secretary to work remotely for the company.

Best Virtual Assistant Websites
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The virtual assisting job requires more skills to manage multiple tasks. Hence, you can negotiate your salary by yourself for being a virtual assistant.

Obviously, managing all the responsibilities and doing the work remotely comes with certain advantages and adversities.

Now, virtual assistant jobs are the most emerging profession. Across the globe, the search for virtual assistants increasing day by day.

To know the responsibilities and where to find the best virtual assistant job these questions will be answered in this article.

What is a Virtual Assistant Job?

Virtual assistance is a multi-talented task, the individual who can solely provide administrative duties, technical support, and business services to their clients or employer.

Having an internet connection and supporting both employees is the role of a virtual assistant. Now the virtual assistant is available on a freelance as well as a contract basis.

Obviously, a virtual assistant is a multi-task work that requires expert skills in writing, communication, problem-solving, critical analysis, software knowledge, and other technical skills.

The overall support of a company or business or client certainly needs virtual assistance to keep the stability of their work.

As per the working area, the virtual assistant duty is an extendable one. From accounting to bookkeeping to maintaining social media all solely lies in the hands of the virtual assistant.

However, virtual assistants are working on an hourly basis. And they earn up to Rs. 45,000 as their monthly salary in India.

Initially, it can be a stressful and tension-filled job. But once the individual learns to manage all the tasks he will be offered handsome pay.

Hope you are geared to find this job. How to find a virtual assistant job and where shall I register are the next boost-up questions.

To ease your job search here I will enlist the genuine working portal. All are global platforms. So anybody can try their better to become a virtual assistant

The Best Virtual Assistant Websites

As a revolutionary profession, virtual assistant jobs are available across the globe. For the freelancers and beginners of virtual assistance here is the compass.

1. Belay – For Book Keepers and Web Specialists

Belay Remote Assistant

Belay is one of the leading virtual assistant platforms that started in 2010. This company commences its working venture in Atlanta.

It is a paid portal obviously for job seekers who are searching for reliable and flexible work-from-home jobs can register on this job portal.

It is a global platform suitable for bookkeepers and web specialists. However, it is the job sanctuary for the people who are seeking for the work from home opportunities.

As a renowned working platform, Belay extends its hands to learning too. Free downloads, documents, and training sessions all are directly offered by this company.

Besides, the top law executives and attorneys are posting their Virtual Assistant job recruitment at Belay.

After posting the resume, the qualities of an individual are short-listed and called for the interview process the same as the regular job.

This process may take at least two weeks. For further clarification, video interviews are also offered for the candidates to obtain their wonderful job opportunities.

Model question papers of Belay are available on the internet. So, preparing for a Belay interview is not a tough one.

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2. Elite VA – For Attorneys and Small Business Owners

Elite VA

Elite Virtual Assistant is a job agency that holds its predominant position in the United States. It is one of the renowned job agencies, started in 1997.

High-quality virtual assistant jobs are available in this company. Besides, they are recruiting candidates for all the business services and law firms.

To find a passion for excellence with a team of experts Elite is the finest choice. This job agency was started by a group of women executives who inspired one another.

Both part-time and full-time virtual assistance job offers are available in this portal. With more than two decades of recruiting experience, Elite VA easily connects employers to their working junction.

The highest-paid virtual assistant jobs are available here. To improve your career in the boundary of professionalism, register in this portal.

It is a global platform for finding an enormous job under the category of a virtual assistant. Being the own boss of the profession is possible at an elite.

3. Fancy Hands – Personal Assistance Service

Fancy Hands Remote Assistance

Fancy Hands are one of the fastest and most reliable job portals for virtual assistance. It is the US-based job portal founded by Alexis Ohanian, Founder of Reddit.

Many freelancers are recruited to complete the task for the company or an employer. The workflow is uninterrupted as the work of virtual assistant recruitment is regularly posted on this site.

When a job seeker posted his resume, the status of the resume from time to time is updated from this portal.

There are only a few job portals that offer discounts for job seekers. It is one of the portals you can enjoy a certain amount of discount during the registration process.

It is one of the busiest job portals where many people are applying with their resumes on the job platform.

Scheduling appointments and interview reminders are all automatic processes that are mandatory for a job seeker.

Simply, as a newbie to this portal, there is no complexity to handle. It is a global portal so finding a suitable virtual assistant job is very simple if you registered at Fancy Hands.

4. Hello Rache – Health Virtual Assistants for Doctors

Hello Rache

Hello-Rache is a popular US-based virtual assistant job portal that started in the year 2017. This portal allows job seekers only in the field of medicine and healthcare.

Whenever the job seeker login into this portal the basic details are registered and the operation requirements are priorly discussed in this job platform.

A user-friendly interface allows easy and fast registration for job-seeking candidates. Work from home option is preferable and most of the jobs suit this category.

However, virtual assistants in the field of healthcare professions carry multiple responsibilities with acuteness.

Maintaining the health care record and patient management system maintenance are the major responsibilities of the assistants.

Appointing a virtual assistant in the field of medicine is a highly responsive job. So, multiple training sessions are available for the VAs to groom in their profession.

For an hour Hello Rache charging $9. So, use this easy-effective portal for your stable profession as a virtual assistant.

5. Magic – Remote Assistant for Businesses

Magic Remote Assistance

Magic is multiple careers comprising platforms that offer virtual assistant jobs under the category of software, construction, engineering, technology, medical, and so on.

Moreover, Magic is acting as a bridge between the employee and the employer. Simplifying the job search for a virtual assistant with remote access and multiple works is abundant at this job platform.

This job portal is equipped with the latest advantage of AI. Recruiters, as well as employees, can this portal without any difficulties.

It is a general job search platform. To become a successful virtual assistant Magic is the professional destination.

If the employee posts their resume, then the employer will call for an interview. It is also task-based work and the team of Magic platforms offers their support 24/7.

Instantly, there are multiple virtual assignment tasks are allocated to the job seeker. Technical support and service-wise, Magic is the ever-lasting platform that instantly supports the job seeker.

It is a paid portal, $35 is an hourly charge for getting your virtual assistant job at Magic. Just sign up today!

6. MyOutDesk – Virtual Assistant Staffing Company

MyOutDesk Virtual Staffing

MyOutDesk is one of the largest as well as a highly reputed platforms that provides virtual assistant jobs only in the field of real estate.

This portal offering its job opportunities directly to the corporate giants, banking sectors, and lifestyle industries.

Indeed, it is a highly competitive portal. The applicants are thoroughly evaluated before placing as virtual assistants.

While considering the total application, only 2.2% of the applicant only find their virtual assistant career in MyOutDsek.

This company gives more importance to Legal security and data protection. Thus, this company gained many 5-star reviews from the top business giants.

MyOutDesk generates more revenue. And, now it crosses more than $100 million in revenue just in a year.

Moreover, it is a freelance work platform as a reputed portal for freelancers, they get a handsome income than a regular job goer.

Read More: What is a Freelancer and How to Register as a Freelancer?

I will suggest this virtual assistant job portal for freshers and experienced professionals too.

7. TaskRabbit – Virtual Assistance for Homes


There are multiple job portals that offer the virtual assistant profession to multiple clients and corporate giants.

TaskRabbit is one of the least number of companies offering their service directly to homes. Yeah, it is certainly a new idea.

Actually, it is not too complicated or burdensome a job. But the virtual assistant can guide the home-moms and housewives to manage their working tasks.

With the help of this portal, homemakers directly hire their employees similar to business entrepreneurs and companies.

Giving suggestions and assisting to complete your home task online is a pretty good choice. Now creating an elegant outlook for your home is a simple one.

Handyman work, garden maintenance, furniture assembly, and painting work are the services offered by TaskRabbit virtual assistants.

Though it seems to be professional but not like many other professional work portals. But TaskRabbit easily generates millions of dollars from this simple work task.

According to a survey, property damage in our daily lives consumes some more money. While having such assistants will be a really helpful one.

The working people who are messed up in their professional life can hand over this task to the TaskRabbit team.

So, without any other professional work style, simple home decorators can also become virtual assistants and can assist more people with high pay.

8. Virtual Staff Finder for Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs

Virtual Staff Finder

Virtual Staff Finder is one of the leading virtual assistant job providers standing in the market for more than 10 years.

Comparing the work task and work liberty is much better than other virtual assistant job offering portals.

The time boundary for the completion of the task is very limited obviously it is not possible at other job offering platforms.

While signing up into the portal, a clear description of your passion and skills needs to be mentioned for fast hiring.

Once the job seeker completed his sign-up process, this portal just analyzes the professional source of the individual like experience and previous project details.

Before the interview, a prior test is conducted for the applicant to get to know the deep professional knowledge and working style of the applicant.

Once he/she passed this level they will directly be called for the interview. Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and digital marketing relating guidance can hire a virtual assistant.

The innovative ideas and new trends will stay as fresh and stable in the profession as the golden line principle of virtual staff finder.

This job portal offers enough time to learn. So, freshers can easily find a suitable job on this platform.

Certainly, it is an innovative and passion-filling platform that offers more jobs for its seeker. Apply today!

9. Time Etc – For Entrepreneurs and Professionals

Timeetc Virtual Assistance

Time Etc is one of the notable and most preferred job portals for job aspirants who want to become virtual assistants.

Within these ten years of the growing period, they almost completed more than a million task works for companies and entrepreneurs.

Moreover, a virtual assistant job is a highly demanding profession. Finding a genuine scam-free portal is a necessary option.

It is one of the busiest job platforms offering various jobs under the professional category of virtual assistants.

Indeed, It is a US-based work portal that started only to offer business services for entrepreneurs than any other company or corporates.

While posting your resume, a thorough analysis of the applicant and testing will be done before a call for an interview.

So, once you get the projects from the clients, the payment is assured and instantly credited after the completion of the work.

Primarily it is the task-based portal and the work is allocated to the task manager. Once you completed the task, you can pick another task.

It is a user-friendly portal fully designed with automated triggers and tasks. So, making it easy to use and complete the task on time-bound is not a complex one.

Unlimited calls and time-to-time meetings with the team through webinars are allowed for the virtual assistants.

Free training and testimonials will train the applicants before they enter into the actual work task is a flexible option.

10. WoodBows – Remote Workers for Native English Speakers

Woodbows VA

WoodBows is one of the top-notch virtual assistant job portals offering its service in the fields like business, real estate, and small entrepreneurship.

It is a US-based service company. With its quality, remote assistance services attracted many US companies to hire their VAs through this portal.

Being a virtual assistant at WoodBows is not just an easy task. Because there are multiple filters and processes that are done before hiring.

Openly, from the total application, only one percent of the people will be appointed and work in the top companies.

It is a competitive platform offering its services for more than 10 years. So, obviously, it is an active and real portal free from scams.

At the time of your appointment, this portal assigns the task for each hour you spend you will be paid in the amount of $25.

More than 1000 clients repetitively post their recruitment of virtual assistants without any change of option.

For the freelance worker, it will be the best option to find more clients and earn more money as per task completion.

There is no fee for your registration. Once you get the project WoodBows will take some percentage of the commission from your pay.

Working status, project tracking, and completion all are monitored in an automated platform. So, frequent work is scheduled daily.


Hope this article offers the best hints about the virtual assistant job. It is a highly responsible profession not only for business but also for our home too.

Interested people who become virtual assistants are now too easy. A degree is enough qualifications to become a VA.

The need for a virtual assistant is a highly demanding job in all professions. As remote work, many home moms and retired people can also find their jobs here.

Home decor ideas, gardening, and house management are innovative but simple part-time professions to earn money.

Every business requires various qualities and duties to become a virtual assistant. Hope the above-mentioned sites suit all people.

From medical reps to simple homemakers, all can be effective professionals in the field of remote assistance.

Hope you find the best job platforms for your easy search. Find your best and most passionate job work here.

All the best!

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Myilraj G Author OnlineHomeIncome Blog

Hi, I am Myilraj.G!

Myilraj. G is a full-time Blogger, Content Writer, and Digital Marketer. A first-generation entrepreneur started his career as a blogger in 2013.

He helped 600+ individuals across India and a few outside India to start their blogging careers. He also helped SMEs to create their digital presence through his impeccable Digital marketing assistance.

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