Blog Post Length: How Long Should a Blog Post Be in 2024?

Written by Myilraj G   |   in Content Creation   |   Updated on October 18, 2024    |   0 Comments

After long research and findings, finally, I conclude the ideal blog post length is between 2,000 – 2,500 words. Let me explain you clearly.

Perfect Blog Post Length is a debate between bloggers and search engines for over a decade. There is no absolute answer until today.

Yet, lots of discussions are going on all over the blogosphere. Everyone expresses their own views based on their experience.

Blogging is growing every day. It is one of the greatest ways to drive potential visitors to any business.

SEO-optimized blog post helps you get the top position in organic search results. Why are the bloggers targeting organic traffic?

Because it is highly targeted traffic as the visitors are already searching for a solution to their problems. They don’t stop until they get a solution or an answer.

Blog Post Length - How Long Should a Blog Post Be
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If you write a post that provides the solution to their problems, then no one can stop you from holding the top position in SERP results.

Google and other search engines rank these high-quality articles in their search results.

As a blogger, it is necessary to know how long should a blog post be in 2024. Why is it necessary to write a long-form of articles?

  • Bloggers want to drive more traffic.
  • Increase engagement on their blogs.
  • More readers mean more revenue.

The content is the king. The blog post length expresses the quality of the king (here, content). Let’s find the total word length to take your blog next level.

1. What is Blog Writing? WHY?

Why do you start blogging? Because to earn some extra income (or) for a full-time career to live a BOSS-FREE life.

Is it so? How do you create revenue by starting a blog? Starting a blog and posting some content regularly will not earn you any income.

You can use different monetization techniques like Google Adsense and Affiliate Business.

Generate revenue by integrating them into your blog and converting your blog visitors into buyers (or) customers.

You need more readers, more engagements via comments, and more shares, which means increased traffic and revenue from your blog.

Every blogger tries to grow their blog audience. So they must learn to prepare good blog post ideas and write quality content.

Identify the audience and their queries. Writing a lengthy blog post is really a daunting task. You should figure out a way to meet this need.

2. How Long Should a Blog Post Be in 2024?

The answer is – Aim for 1,500 – 2,500 words.

Many bloggers and social media gurus say we have little time to grab people’s attention. However, this is not the case when it comes to content writing for your blog.

Google believes long-form content has more valuable information on the topic or subject. Lengthy blog post increases user time on site which is a good ranking signal to Google.

Thus, write at least a 2,000-word article on the topic that you create for your blog. Remember, not all blogging niche requires lengthy blog posts.

Recipe sites and travel blogs need a few hundred words to provide enough information. Note, that Google Quick Answers may also impact your organic ranking and blog post length.

3. Benefits of Long-form Blog Posts

Lengthy blog articles provide more value to the readers. More content answer all user queries. It helps you show authority in your niche.

The users trust you more than other bloggers if you keep experimenting with problems and giving solutions.

3.1. Increase Average User-Time on Site

Neil Patel, from his experiment, concludes that long articles gained 25% more pageviews. Do not forget to read my other article on how to get traffic to your blog. Plus longer they stay on your blog increases the chance to read other articles. It is an important ranking signal to search engines.

3.2. Improve Search Engine Ranking

Every blogger implements several SEO methods to rank their blog posts. It includes adding more relevant keywords, internal linking, and optimizing webpage codes. Some bloggers go beyond SEO to improve readability and give clear information. But from today, add blog post length as the primary on-page SEO metric. Longer blog posts have more chances of first-page rank.

Word Count VS Social Shares

3.3. More Social Media Shares

A long blog post of more than 2,000+ words gets more social media shares. When more people share your post on their social media walls will attract more readers. Sometimes your blog posts may go viral. Social signal is another metric that influences search engine ranking. We can add more benefits to support the fact that long blog posts rank better.

Now, let us see how to prepare yourself for writing lengthy and the same time informative posts. If you are new to writing, the next part of this article will help you.

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4. How Can You Write Lengthy Blog Post?

It is another common question among bloggers whom I faced directly in my career. When I told them to write a post of 2000+ words, they ask me how.

Blog posts with over 2,000+ words get more shares on Facebook and Twitter.

It is not that simple to write a long form of content. The writer should have enough patience and subject knowledge to write a lengthy post.

Before you begin writing an article,

  • The first task you should do is Keyword Research.
  • Then, you can collect ideas and information from related online (or) offline sources.

It is not possible to write a lengthy post for all the keywords you have on your list.

Different types of keywords are navigational, informational, transactional, and e-commerce.

  • You cannot write a lengthy article for e-commerce keywords.
  • But possible for informational keywords such as How, What, and Why.

After keyword research, identify the common problem that people face. List them first and give a solution by writing a strategic approach to solve the problem in your article.

Example: A common problem I recently discovered was new blog post ideas. Most newbie bloggers struggle to write articles as they are unable to find ideas.

I have written a 2,600+ word article to explain the different ways to find topic ideas for your next blog post.

After having information, start writing an article with prior discussions at the beginning. Finally, conclude the article with a solution at the end.

5. What is the Perfect Blog Post Length?

What is Perfect Post Length

SEO has changed rapidly over the years, and search engines are becoming clever in analyzing every article to provide the best results to their users.

To date, there was no exact rule, don’t know – I may be wrong. However, many bloggers follow the strategic principle of writing 2,000 – 2,500 word content.

When you analyze the blog posts published before 2014, they ranked at the top position, even with just 700 words.

After several Google algorithm updates, the search results quality is increasing. Google officially focuses on content lengths.

An article with 1500 words performs well on the search results. It makes bloggers write lengthy posts by adding more detailed informative content.

Now, in 2024 there have been a few general talks in the blogosphere about the perfect blog post length.

The nominal length is between 2,000 – 2,500 words. When you Google for any keyword, you will get the information from the source where the average blog content length is between 2,000 – 2,500 words.

Google believes the long articles have all the necessary information on the topic. It seems that the lengthy blog post will meet user queries.

6. Why Does Blog Post Length Matter in the ranking?

In the past decades, when people search for something on the Internet ends with anonymous results. Sometimes they will get highly non-related results.

Many bloggers use to write blog posts of 300 to 500 words with keyword-stuffed in their content. Bloggers practice this method only to meet the length.

They are just greedy for money and never focused on solving user problems. Moreover, bloggers never concentrated on giving an exact answer to their queries.

Nowadays, all the search engines have grown clever in calculating the relevancy and correlating the blog post content based on the search query.

This correlation concludes that the longer posts will have detailed information. Longer blog posts are most likely to answer all the user’s questions.

Hence, a perfect blog post length of around 2,000 – 2,500 words will perform better in the search results. It will bring more organic traffic to the blog where it was published.

Though this was not a conclusion, and it may change tomorrow. We are in a world of high volatility and should swing with SEO trends.

7. How to Determine the Post Length?

The Internet’s biggest influencer case study from Brain Dean on content length shows an affirmative decision on a perfect blog post length.

The studies conclude that an average 2,000-word blog post ranks well on the SERP pages. The blog constantly involved in producing lengthy content secures its top position too.

Two major factors influencing the content length are the Industry and Keyword selection.

Also, including Google 200 ranking factors with content length and HTTPS signal has a strong correlation to the first-page ranking.

The sites that publish more lengthy content are likely to earn a strong social media influence. We all know that social signals have a great impact on the search engine ranking position.

Hence, when looking at all these overall states, better quality lengthy content has a strong signal in ranking. But a long blog post doesn’t need to be always better.

7.1. The Perfect Blog Post Length is Dependent on Keywords

  • Why should we write articles on our blog?
  • How to choose new blog post ideas?

On average, the post length is determined by the Focus Keyword you are targeting for. It is unnecessary to write a 2,000+ word article for all the keywords.

When a user searches for the keyword When Abdul Kalam Sir born?

  • The first result need not be a lengthy 2,000+ word article. And it only has the date, location, and other personal information.
  • There is no necessity to write a long paragraph for this question. Even small posts with date, location, and parent detail will hold the first position.

It creates confusion as we have studied that the lengthy blog content will rank better. Then, what will be the condition of posts that are lesser in length?

Every business goal is to generate money through its blog. It can be possible by creating an effective, information-rich post.

There is no need to write more than 2,000 words for all the keywords on your blog to rank well, as longer posts are not the only reason for better ranking.

7.2. The Correct Answer

I can say it may create confusion, and then at what length should I write the blog post for a better ranking?

For e-commerce, there is no need to write such a long paragraph to explain the product. Because the users are likely to know little information about the product.

The Product description writers can decide to write a short (or) long article to answer the queries. When it comes to ranking, often the long content is not the only reason for reaching the first position.

If there are sites at the top of the search engines are there for some reason, duplicating their idea will help you get the first rank.

Analyze the link-building strategy, social marketing plan, and content length to deliver the same on your own blog. You may expect growth in your traffic.

8. What is the Best Content?

Perfect Blog Post Length

The content was the running fuel for the blog that never exhausts. It is like renewable energy for the blog.

Whenever you write new content on a new topic in your niche, your blog gets recharged again.

Every blogger should write content with three goals in mind:

  • Answer the visitor’s question.
  • To cross your competitor.
  • Satisfy Search Engine webmaster guidelines.

Under these conditions, you add value to the niche and your users more than other pages. You will deserve a higher ranking.

As said earlier, duplicate your competitor and write an article more than your competitor’s words.

  1. If the #1 post has 500 words, write more than 500 words.
  2. If the #1 post has 2,000 words, write more than 2,000 words attempting to provide more value than your competitor.

Many factors determine the ranking of the first page. To be precise, longer posts won’t rank higher unless they are more detailed and provide value to the users.

Final Turn Around

I complete this session with my findings on my blogging journey in 2024. Based on the target destination [top ranking in search engines], I have compiled a list here:

  1. A 300-word blog post will get more comments. Usually, it has more user engagement, but the same users rarely share the blog post.
  2. A 750-word article in blogging is good for SEO. It is easy to get good backlinks from other bloggers and shares on social media.
  3. 1,000 – 1,500 words have all the solutions for the user search. Hence it will get lots of social shares and sometimes even get hundreds of comments.
  4. 2,000+ words are the final destination when your goal is to rank in search engines. These articles will get more social shares, comments, and backlinks from many other blogs. It is perfect for SEO.


There are many talks all over the Internet. Many discussions are going on daily about the perfect blog post length for a better ranking.

There is no best length for the article in the blogosphere. But it seems a post with 2,000 – 2,500 words seems to perform well in search results.

It is what most bloggers follow in 2024. They believe it has a strong correlation with rankings.

  • Choose trending keywords.
  • Write detailed, informative articles of between 2,000 – 2,500 words around the topic.
  • Analyze your competitors and duplicate them.

The most important key point for a better blog post length was just a longer post is not enough to deserve the first position in search rankings.

However, the blog post should deliver valuable and useful information to the readers. Write more words explaining the topic clearly to your readers.

Write four kinds of the post such as;

  • 300-word short article
  • 750-word medium size article
  • 1,000 -1,500 word detailed article
  • 2,000+ word encyclopedia article

Publish all the posts on your blog and perform SEO marketing. Do an A/B test by yourself and conclude which is best suitable for your blog.

Thanks for reading this post. I have written about what I experienced by learning about the blogosphere in 2024. The discussion always creates a healthy environment. Share a word with your friends.

About the Author

Myilraj G
Myilraj G 

Myilraj. G is a full-time Blogger, Content Writer, and Digital Marketer. A first-generation entrepreneur started his career as a blogger in 2013.
He helped 600+ individuals across India and a few outside India to start their blogging careers. He also helped SMEs to create their digital presence through his impeccable Digital marketing assistance.

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