Learn the necessary tips and strategies to grow your blog audience faster than your competitor’s.
Today I want to share an important aspect of blogging — How to grow your blog audience?
Everyone wants to create a blog, publish a post, and expect the content to go viral, flood with comments and sharing, etc.
But practically, without putting in a huge effort, it is not possible to improve blog visibility.
The beauty of blogging lies here. Building a blog while you are working for a company (or) studying in a college is not that simple.
You can easily register your blog and purchase reliable hosting as it matters only a few minutes of your time.
But maintaining and running a blog requires time, effort, and dedication. You can harvest the expected growth only when you dedicate full-time to your blog.

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This is the exact situation because of the heavy competition in every niche industry. So, how could you come up with running a successful blogging business while working (or) studying?
How can you manage stuff easily when you are limited on time and have other stressful work ahead?
Some people could find an easy way to make it, but most fail to expand their blog reach.
So, I wrote this article for those people who think blogging is difficult to manage as a part-time business.
Note the important tips while reading the article that will help you frame your business plan to achieve success.
Why do you want to Grow your Blog Audience?
Online marketing companies with a blog have 80% more inbound links. This means that blogging adds some value to the product.
If you have a blog and no one visits your blog article, then how are you going to generate revenue?
Many additional strategies are necessary to develop your blog and grow your blog audience.
In this article, I will recommend some basic foundation principles to increase your blog presence in the search engine.
None are the hard methods to implement. If you are expecting some results, you should apply these significant changes to your blogging business.
How to Grow Blog Traffic?
It is a continuous process with time for every blog to create a brand in its niche industry.
Every blogger must practice different ways to increase their blog pageviews to create revenue. When your blog traffic grows, you can earn more from your blog.
Patience and perseverance are the keys to success. You can expect results after a few days from the date you performed any action.
Unless you hold the first position in the search results, you can not generate the expected revenue from your blog.
Let’s learn the different practices to follow to build your blog and drive large traffic.

Focus and concentration are the two important things before starting a blog.
Your time for your blogging business is limited, and you have only half of the time as others to build your blog.
A full-time blogger can spend more than 10 hours a day, but you have only 3 – 4Hrs. You should complete all the same activities in less time.
Prepare a cheat sheet like a full-time blogger and cut off all unnecessary stuff like footprinting on all social media, doing lots of blog commenting, etc.
- Focus on 1 or 2 platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Put your best efforts to deliver better results. Ignore the rest.
- The second idea was to write articles for your blog and other influencers’ blogs for a Guest Post opportunity.
There is a separate industry to supply the blog’s vital raw materials called “Content.” Content writing jobs are the most in-demand jobs in 2025.
Every blog wants content, and it is the key to success.
Full-time bloggers can easily spend time writing content. However, a part-time blogger may find it difficult to spend time writing content to increase blog traffic.
Under such limited time, you want to complete this process by following the simple trick below.
Set a timer of 25 minutes interval for writing a post on your blog. Relax for 5 minutes and then start again. Repeat the cycle for 4times, I mean 2Hrs per day.
You will come up with quality posts for your blog, which is the main ingredient for your blogging success.
2. Morning Routine
Most successful people have the habit of doing things in their everyday morning.
Bill Gates, “starts his day by working out on a treadmill for an hour while watching training courses online”.
Warren Buffet “reads around 500 pages a day to develop his knowledge of compound interest”.
Morning is the best time when you can put your 100% on the task without any distractions, so you can get a lot of work done.
When you ask me about my everyday morning routine,
- I woke up at sharp 4 AM
- Exercise for 40minutes
- Refresh myself the next 20 minutes
- Finally, start reading important news online.
- Around 9 AM, I will commute to the office to get back into the regular day-to-day stuff.
At the beginning of my blogging business, I was so resistant to adding my morning hours for blogging. But after following the successful people, I can see a lot of improvements.
So what is your morning routine then?
Initially, it will be much tougher to get up early in the morning and start doing tasks to improve our standard of living. But, if you manage this to put into action for 7days, then your body and mind will align with your schedule.
You can begin the day with a simple meditation (or) small home exercise, which gets you the day with a positive approach.
Also, you are going to do the work for your blogging business at the beginning of every day. If an emergency occurs in the evening could not affect you.
It makes you feel that the day was completely successful.
3. Fix your Destination
So what is your destination?
Why have you started a blog, and what are you going to do with a blog?
Of course, the most obvious answer is “to make money.”
There are many different ways you can make money with a blog. Some of them are:
- Displaying Contextual Advertisements such as Google Adsense.
- Display advertisements such as Adhits, Bidvertiser, etc.
- Affiliate marketing business.
- Selling own products (or) services.
- Selling Ad Spaces.
In all the above methods, there is only one destination and that is to make money blogging. So, before starting to blog, think of only one business model.
Then prepare a strategic business plan to execute your blogging business.
You should understand the differences between the blogging trend and blogging strategy.
- The Strategy means it was built once and amended throughout the course to grow your blog audiences.
- The Blogging Trend means it keeps on changing based on time and it will not help you for long survival. They may come and go and I ask you to follow your strategy.
If you wish to start an affiliate marketing business with a blog, start collecting emails from day one. Also, focus on establishing relationships with the influencers and your audiences.
It will help you to put your business in front of people’s eyes whereas concentrating on On-Page will be like following a trend that always changes.
You will face many struggles to grow your blog because Google trends are changing with time.
4. Transform Yourself
A famous quote from Sir. APJ. Abdul Kalam was, “You cannot change your FUTURE, you can change your HABITS. And surely your HABITS will change your FUTURE“.
These lines are a loyal vow for the blogging business to grow your blog audience. First, change yourself and your habits like getting up early in the morning to carry out morning routines.
Remove the BAD often and always tend to add Good habits. Focus on your health, and read more books and journals to develop your outside-world knowledge.
You can see the growth in your business when you feel the differences in your personal energy skills.
Meditate more to increase your focusing ability and concentration power.
A successful business often depends on your ability.
5. You Can Do It
Yes, ya! You can do it. Most people doubt their ability before starting any work. Tweak your mindset and think positively that if you can not, then who else can?
Think strongly that you can build a blog and grow your blog audience. Check my recent blog on — can you blog even if you cannot write?
There are lots of resources on the internet to teach you to run a successful blogging business. The only thing is you should have faith in your ability.
So far, we have seen spiritual changes to grow your blog audiences. We will now see some technical stuff that will make your blog stand out from the crowd.
6. Improve User Experience
The purpose of the blog is to deliver helpful information to readers and/or audiences. Google and most search engines are altering their algorithms to improve user experience.
Hence to grow your blog audience, you should simplify the experience as much as possible. Place all elements like nav links and widgets in the right place with purpose.
Also, be transparent to your readers and tell them what your blog is all about. Be crisp and precise.
- Don’t add many colorful banners, too much-emphasized texts, font decorations, etc. This will annoy your readers and make them leave your site more often.
Also, make your site faster in loading content. Page Loading time is an important ranking factor in expanding your blog reach.
So, purchase hosting from a reputed company for better service and install CDN for a faster loading time.
I recommend BunnyCDN and Cloudflare. If you need assistance to start a new blogging business, Join my 45 Days Blogging Course in Coimbatore.
7. Collect Visitor’s Email
From the first day of your blog, you should start collecting your visitor’s Emails and build a subscriber list.
This is a great asset for every blog to grow even if their organic audience base is weak, they can increase traffic to their blog.
- This process is very straightforward, and most WordPress installation has an email subscription form by default.
- To collect and send emails, you should register an account with email providers such as MailChimp, Aweber, and Get Response.
They send emails to your subscriber list whenever you publish a new post, edit (or) modify the existing post on your blog.
Make this a habit of sending monthly newsletters and when new posts are published (or) updated.
Visitors do not register for anything, and you should exchange with them to get their email addresses.
You can offer them an e-book, guide, free templates, and/or checklist of any project, etc.
You can use the WordPress default subscription form. But to be more trendy and look fascinating, you can search for third-party opt-in forms such as SumoMe and Thrive Leads are very effective.
8. Ask Your Audience to Join Socially
Of course, building an email subscriber list was the far most successful plan to bring visitors back to your site.
Social media also has a more remarkable influence on growing your blog audience. This seems odd, but many successful bloggers were social media influencers.
It is a fact that someone visiting your social profile will click your blog link, and this behavior will increase your blog traffic.
Social media is not a waste of time. You can prioritize social promotions over time to develop your blog.
You can place the social follow buttons on your blog header, footer, and sidebar. These locations ensure greater social opt-ins without distracting your users.
Also, you can invite users to follow you socially by placing a link in every newsletter email.
9. Be Active and Engage With Your Audiences
Readers usually like the active blog and always show interest in visiting repeatedly. Active communication is essential between the blogger and the audience to build blog readership.
You should be active in responding to your blog comments, emails, and social follow-ups. All this can be done in your part-time blogging and it won’t eat a large part of your time every day.
Be accessible in multiple ways by adding a contact page. If possible, give your visitors more ways to establish communication with you.
Always try to answer all the questions asked of you via comments and emails and respond on time.
It is important to consider that it is a time-consuming process. It will decrease the distance between your readers and help to build a strong community that will last long.
In 2013, I started a blogging business while I was working in a manufacturing company as a full-time Electrical Engineer.
I managed to work everyday morning, evening, and whenever I was off duty. I concentrated more on building relationships in my network with influencers.
Prepared a strategy and implemented it the same way it was planned. Now, running a successful online business, and I am my OWN BOSS FOR ME.
So, if you have a true hunger to earn some money by blogging, then you should first prepare yourself.
As said in this article, building a blog isn’t tough. But working to grow your blog audience and make them come back again is a challenging task and where success lies.
All the best, and I hope you people will create a healthy discussion here in the comment section.