How to Get Blog Traffic? (10 Amazing Tips) Grow from 0 – 1000 Visitors

Written by Myilraj G   |   in Grow Your Blog Traffic   |   Updated on October 22, 2024    |   1 Comments

Driving visitors is the most daunting process for beginner bloggers. Learn how to get blog traffic at your starting stages?

And so, you have started a blog and published a post today. Now the next biggest hurdle is to know how to get blog traffic.

  • As a beginner, you don’t have a large volume of audience or a big network.
  • You don’t have a strong social media profile.
  • Moreover, you have not built any email subscribers database.

Google does not know anything about your blog, and people don’t know that you exist. You are just new and a single standing alone in this competitive market.

You have another big milestone to reach, and that is to drive more traffic to your blog. If no people are visiting your blog, then there is no point in running a blogging business.

How to Get Blog Traffic
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Keyword research is done with the help of SEO tools. And you can create an interesting post by spending a few hours of research writing.

But when will the efforts you put in give the results back to you? It is when people start visiting your blog from any means like search engines, social media, or emails.

A successful blog ranks for the keywords and starts generating money for the blogger. For this, you want your blog noticed by Google and send traffic to your blog from their SERP.

In the next few minutes, we will learn how to increase blog traffic fast from 0 – 1000 visitors a day in just a few months.

Let’s fasten your seat belts to take down the important strategies, which I am going to explain to you now.

How to Get Blog Traffic as a Beginner?

A few years back, it was easy for a newbie blogger to drive a huge amount of traffic simply by writing content with keywords.

Even a 700-word article following these basic tactics ranked well on search engines.

But now, this so-called keyword-rich content writing will not work anymore.

Starting a blog is easy just by identifying a niche based on your interest and passion.

But running a blog like publishing the content consistently and doing SEO to get free traffic to a blog is a daunting process.

In another article, I have written about how many page views are required to start earning money from a blog.

I suggest you read the article, which will further pique your curiosity. Now, let’s see how to get 1000 readers a day for a new blog.

It is not rocket science to get massive traffic. However, it requires a consistent effort and a strategic online marketing plan to increase your organic traffic.

The next few minutes will be going to be your life-changing moment. Note down the key points.

Don’t stop after taking notes and start working from day 1 to achieve great results.

P.S. I am providing a 45-day 1:1 advanced blogging training in Tamilnadu to interested people. Visit the page for more information about the training.

How to Increase Blog Traffic from Zero?

When you search Google on how to get blog traffic, you will get a million pieces of advice.

The few general pieces of advice are to work hard, put effort into it, and create helpful content.

And you can study many different strategies to get free traffic from search engines and social media.

Let’s keep things apart and focus on learning the tips from my experience to drive massive traffic to your blog.

Let’s set the first goal to get 1000 daily visitors. When you reach this stage, your results are countless, and you can experience the fruitful results of hard work. Let’s get into the process.

1. Start with Finding the Right Topic

Choose Right Blogging Topic

The entire blogosphere revolves around the topic or subject, like all the planets revolving around the sun.

If you are planning to start a blog this year, the very first thing is that you should find a topic. It is otherwise called a Niche.

Choose the topic based on your interest and passion. Why, because you want to write for the next two years on this topic and it is impossible without interest.

And don’t worry if you do not know about the topic, as you can learn while blogging.

Even when I began onlinehomeincome(.)in, I did not have any demonstrated practical knowledge of making money online.

And all the experience I have earned after starting the blog. First, I will try the method to know how it works and analyze its reliability.

If it is a good one, definitely I can earn from the method and gain some experience.

Then I will start writing an article based on the experience gained, and to add value, I have attached my earning proof as well.

Therefore, it is necessary to find the topic of your interest to get blog traffic as a beginner.

I advise you to read another article on blog topics that make money to give you a rough idea of blogging topics.

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2. Spend a Long Time on Keyword Research

I realize that you people already know how the search engine works.

People use words or phrases to search for information on Google. These words or phrases are known as keywords.

Search engines index blogs based on the keywords and produce the results when people search for the relevant keywords.

That is why everyone is insisting on adding keywords to the articles you write for your blog.

Keyword Research is the foundation of successful blogging. It helps to attract more audiences who are interested in a similar niche.

In another article, I have written about how to get new blog post ideas that will help you in this process. So how do you find keywords for your blog?

  • Go to Google and search for any topic. You can see the keyword suggestions from the search box, people also ask, and the related queries widget.
  • All blogging niches have a set of competition and when you start blogging, keep visiting your competitor’s blog to get more ideas.
  • Engage with your audience through blog comments and social media posts.
  • You will get basic topic ideas from the above methods and use Keyword Research Tools to prepare the keyword list.

I always prefer Google Keyword Planner, SEMRUSH, and Ahrefs to create a keyword list.

Proper keyword research is necessary to get free traffic to your blog from search engines.

3. Prepare a Content Calendar (Never Run Out of Ideas)

Prepare Content Calendar to Drive Traffic

After the keyword research process, I trust you now that you have an Excel sheet full of Keywords and Topics.

Now, prepare an editorial calendar to make you stay productive in your blogging journey.

A big list of keywords can be overwhelming and create confusion in prioritizing the topics.

Hence a content calendar can help you in such situations. In the initial stages of blogging, I don’t follow any strategy and write on all topics that come to my mind.

And I even achieved success during those periods because search engines weren’t smart enough.

Now, blogging has become a more disciplined business, and anyone can start, but only a few can survive and bring results.

Search engines honed themselves to grow from evaluating content based on keywords to learning the context.

It becomes more competitive and hard to rank an article for the keyword. And it takes more time to write long in-depth articles.

These activities will put you behind in driving blog traffic and eat time in researching and listing.

You can use tools like Trello and Evernote to streamline your research part of blogging.

I prefer Evernote to take instant notes on blog topics and keyword ideas.

The ultimate goal is to create a crystal clear content strategy for your blog and stay more productive.

4. Create a Long In-depth Article (Increase Blog Traffic)

In the journey of getting free traffic to my blog, I always prefer to write long-in-depth content.

Many studies say long articles may rank better as Google believes long articles mean more information.

After creating an editorial calendar, start writing comprehensive articles on the topic covering all details.

Did you ever hear the word Pillar Content or Pillar Articles?

  1. These are long-form articles on general topics in your blogging niche with medium to high search volume.
  2. Maybe it can be an evergreen article that helps people for a long time.
  3. Creating pillar posts can easily attract readers, and you can drive free traffic to your blog.

But it takes more time to write long blog posts. Long doesn’t mean adding filler words and sentences to increase the content length.

You should perform more research and prepare more solutions for the problems.

Some examples of the pillar contents are a how-to guide, tutorial, listicle, comparison article, and case studies.

Once you have published pillar content, impart trust and authority by writing more articles on sub-ordinate keywords.

How to get your blog noticed by Google?

A simple answer is to write a long and in-depth article in your blog.

These are evergreen articles, not time-dependant, and are always helpful for the readers.

I will write another article on creating pillar blog posts to get more traffic from search engines.

5. Learn On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical SEO

Apply SEO Strategies

Right from the birth of blogging, SEO plays a primary role in driving more visitors and increasing blog traffic.

SEO is the process of ranking your blog post for the target keyword on search engines.

After writing the blog post, we have to implement three SEO strategies – On-page, Off-page, and Technical SEO.

  • On-page SEO: It is the process of optimizing blog posts to improve search engine rankings for the target keyword.
  • Off-page SEO: It refers to the SEO activity taken around your blog that impacts and influences your search engine rankings.
  • Technical SEO: It refers to optimizing your hosting server to increase loading speed. Also, optimizing HTML codes to help search engine bots crawl and index your site more effectively.

If you are struggling with how to get blog traffic as a beginner even after publishing blog posts, start implementing the best SEO practices.

Nowadays, even a newbie blogger can perform SEO on his blog without hiring an expert.

We are starting blogging on WordPress, which is supported by thousands of SEO plugins.

Some of the best-recommended WordPress SEO Plugins are Yoast SEO, Rankmath, and All-in-one SEO.

And you can get free advice, to-do steps, and procedures on YouTube. So, it will not be a problem for you now to get more traffic to your blog.

6. Build an Email List and Send Newsletters

I always advise newbie bloggers to integrate an email marketing system and start collecting the visitor’s emails.

Driving free traffic from search engines is not an overnight task, but it is possible when you send email newsletters.

Start by collecting your blog visitor’s email address and send newsletters and updates.

Your subscribers are your loyal audience, and they are the first to know the updates from your blog.

Email marketing is cost-effective, and many services like Aweber, Getresponse, and Mailchimp are available.

These services are free for new blogs with up to 1000 subscribers, and you can send unlimited emails.

You can easily drive 1000 visitors daily by sending 1000 emails to your subscribers.

Do you know that 70% of people will never come back to our blog after their first visit?

Only a few people bookmark our blog to read the content after some time.

So how do you make our audience visit our blog again?

It is possible only by building an email list and sending emails at frequent intervals without spamming our audience.

Without even spending a dollar, you can bring 1000 daily visitors if you build a strong email database.

It will also increase your trust and gain authority in your niche as people repeat visiting your blog.

It sends a quality signal to Google and thus helps increase your organic search engine ranking over time.

7. Create Social Media Profiles (Drive Social Traffic)

Create Social Profiles

After the invention of social media, people started spending more time on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin.

Hence, as a newbie blogger, you must create a profile on all these platforms to drive social traffic.

Do you want to know how to get blog traffic as a beginner for free?

Then, build a social media profile by actively contributing to the community and engaging with other bloggers and influencers.

Install a social media sharing plugin on your WordPress blog to allow visitors to share your articles.

After you publish the blog post, create a small piece of content describing your blog post. The content should be meaningful and create curiosity.

Attach your blog link and an image to share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Use hashtags to target niche markets and people.

Social media algorithm uses hashtags to show content based on the user’s interest. If the posts go viral, they will bring 1000 visitors a day to our blog.

When people find your content informative and helpful, they will share your post on their social networks.

Think about the compounding effect of social sharing that helps to drive free traffic to my (your) blog.

As a blogger, you must have a decent social media community at your initial stages to bring visitors.

Google monitors your social media activities and ultimately Google pushes your blog ranking if everything seems normal.

I mean that, don’t spam by posting your links everywhere. You have to follow a strategy and principle when doing social media promotion.

8. Do Guest Posting (Write for other blogs)

I see that many bloggers are speaking about Guest Posting. I even read everywhere about posting on other blogs.

Guest posting is similar to writing an article on a topic. But this article will be published on someone else’s blog.

It is one of the off-page SEO strategies followed to gain traction from other blogs in the same niche.

Building backlinks is an important ranking factor for your blog to be noticed by Google. It helps you build authority and increase brand reach and exposure.

You want to perform email outreach to reach out to the top bloggers and influencers in the niche.

Nowadays, all bloggers are accepting guest posts. You already have the keyword list and do a Google search with those keywords.

Prepare a list of the first 50 blogs and visit each blog to find the page named write for us or contribute.

There you can find the email addresses of the bloggers. Draft a convincing email and pitch the blog.

As a newbie blogger, you will not get a good response from other bloggers. But don’t lose hope and keep approaching more bloggers daily.

Say, for example, send at least 50 outreach emails daily. You will get a few responses, and don’t miss the opportunity.

Even a single backlink from a relevant site can help you rank and drive free traffic from search engines.

9. Add Browser Push Notifications to Get Direct Traffic

Like email marketing, ask your blog visitors to subscribe to push notifications.

You might have seen a small popup below the header when you open the blog or website.

It will ask your interest to get browser notifications. You can also install a WordPress plugin on your blog and complete the setup.

So whenever people land on your blog, they get a prompt notification.

With web push notifications, you can send instant alerts to your subscribers about the updates.

When you publish a new blog post or update the old ones, hit the send notifications button.

It will send a browser notification as soon as 1,000 of your subscribers.

Some popular tools are Onesignal, Web push, and PushEngage offer free notification services to bloggers.

Still don’t know how to get blog traffic as a beginner for free without spending money?

Install these free push notification plugins and ask your readers to subscribe to them. It is a great way to drive direct traffic to your blog.

10. Be a Consistent and an Active Player

Daily, I see many people start blogging, and only a few survive for a long time. Only those survivors are reaching success and earning more from their blogs.

Most newbie bloggers quit blogging in a short duration after seeing no or less traffic in their analytics.

Don’t worry, as blogging is not a get-rich-quick money-making program. It is a slow-growing business that seeks your attention and consistency.

Don’t worry if no people visit your blog for one whole month. Keep publishing helpful and engaging content consistently till your blog is noticed by Google.

Be an active blogger participating in various community forums posting helpful micro-articles, and answering other questions.

Don’t forget social media and engage with other bloggers, influencers, and businesses. Engage their posts with valuable comments.

When visitors post a comment on your blog, try to respond quickly.

Install the “subscribe to comments reloaded” plugin to send automated emails to your subscribers.

So, people will get notified of your replies and start to trust you.

The results will be amazing if you consistently publish posts and engage with your audience.

Don’t worry about how to get blog traffic at your initial stages. Instead, focus on creating a brand around your blog.


As a newbie blogger, you have long dreams of earning great revenue from your blog.

And all that could be possible only if you know how to bring visitors to your blog.

Getting traffic to a blog is not complicated, but it requires some additional effort and extra work.

Content is the king and starts by producing valuable and long-form blog posts. Because Google believes that long articles have more information.

The minimum article length should be 2000 words long. Still, I can see many people asking me if can I write 1000-word articles for AdSense.

The content length depends on the niche, and it’s better to analyze the industry and the competitors.

The next big thing is applying digital marketing strategies to drive traffic from a different medium.

Don’t avoid the power of social media, and at the same time, don’t spam. With all the strategies above, you can definitely bring 1000 visitors daily to your blog.

Stop worrying about how to get blog traffic after you have started blogging. Because it is doable.

Follow the tips explained here in the article and start working on it.

About the Author

Myilraj G
Myilraj G 

Myilraj. G is a full-time Blogger, Content Writer, and Digital Marketer. A first-generation entrepreneur started his career as a blogger in 2013.
He helped 600+ individuals across India and a few outside India to start their blogging careers. He also helped SMEs to create their digital presence through his impeccable Digital marketing assistance.

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