How to Start Fiverr Business? A Complete Guide for Beginners

By Myilraj G 

Updated on Aug 2, 2021


Work from Home

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I am going to show you How to Start a Fiverr Business step by step today. By the end, you will learn to sell your skills, therefore, making a great income.

Remote Jobs are increasingly popular nowadays and everyone wants to earn more money apart from their regular work.

To those people, I suggest they start a Fiverr business. The income potential is endless and you make money from the comfort of your home.

Earning money is necessary for our living. Nowadays earning money and spending them on our daily needs is a head-breaking task.

The living cost of an individual is rapidly rising over the last two decades. But to manage our expenses and want to live a convenient lifestyle, we need more money.

There are a lot of online work opportunities are available across the globe. Due to the advancement of technology, there are so many freelancing websites are available to offer the finest jobs.

Obviously, housewives, home moms, and college students can make use of these opportunities easily. Having commitments like home management and studies are the barrier to their full-time job doing. But now it’s too easy.

Start a Fiverr Business
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Fiverr is another great freelancing website where anyone can utilize their skills and earn a bit extra cash on the side. You can balance the study and personal commitments as well as earn money in your free time.

There are multiple part-time jobs offering portals are available on the Internet. What to select and how to do work? are the major questions.

Not only for the freshers but also some experienced part-time workers also find difficult because of those unreal and misleading portals.

Earning money is possible with Fiverr. It is a real, authentic, and genuine portal without any second choice you can choose this portal.

What is Fiverr?

Fiverr is an online marketplace where people with skills can list their services starting from $5. The skills are classified as anything like content writing, web designing, logo designing, programming, etc.

Outsourcing is becoming popular nowadays and most entrepreneurs, small and big companies are searching for freelancers. Hence, this scenario helps to start many freelancing websites across the world.

Out there, Fiverr is one of the top-rated remote jobs catering platforms. Here,  the freelancers (WE) can advertise our services, so that, the employers can find us here and offer us the task.

For example, if you have created a Gig named “I can develop a Website of Any Kind”. If someone is searching for a freelance developer in any chance sees your profile, you will get that job.

On successful completion of the task, you will get your payment via PayPal (or) Bank Transfer. This is a short description of Fiverr. The services are called “Gigs” and I will be writing it as Gigs in the further part of this article.

Creating an account is absolutely free and does not require any investment. But, make sure that you have the required skill and ability to work as a freelancer.

How Does Fiverr Works?

Fiverr provides an online place where the buyers and the sellers can find each other. They can discuss their project, set goals, create a time frame, and agree on an affordable cost.

Then, the freelancer has to work on the project and complete it on time before the deadline. On successful completion of the project, the buyer will pay the money to the seller through the Fiverr Payment System.

Before everything, you need to understand the two important things in Fiverr. Means, two parties involved in the process. Let me explain that to you:

The person who is ready to work as a freelancer and looking for work is referred to as a “Seller”.The person who is searching for a freelancer to complete his/her work requirement is referred to as a “Buyer”.
You can list any type of service based on your skill and also you can quote your own charges (fees).Post your work requirements like job name, description, and project details. Sellers will reach you.
Register yourself as an individual seller doing freelancing or on behalf of a company.The buyers can be an individual or a business or big companies.

Fiverr provides an opportunity for anyone irrespective of their skills. Maybe you are good at designing Logos and Landing pages. Or perhaps you can do SEO and manage PPC and Social Media Campaigns.

Even if you are a programmer or a coder or a developer. All people can have the opportunity to sell their skills to the world. The process is straightforward and you can directly interact with the buyer.

Share your experience, discuss the project, set your own price and timeline. If both parties agree mutually, you are all set to start Fiverr Business.

How to Earn From Fiverr?

Fiverr is an online marketplace platform that lets individual people sell their skills for money. This platform provides a place for freelancers to offer their services to global customers.

A place where it connects sellers with interested buyers. It is the ultimate choice for the work from job seekers who have skills and talent. For your new ideas and challenges, there are plenty of job opportunities are available here.

Moreover, it’s easy to earn money from Fiverr. Just create your working profile is enough to start working on Fiverr. Fiverr is one of the highest-paid platforms across the globe.

The designing services to gaming, business, lifestyle, and digital marketing services are offered with good pay. If you have skills that opt any of these Gigs will offer freelancer jobs across the world.

An individual who possesses multiple talents can easily start a Fiverr business. Here you have Fiverr, the multiple companies, entrepreneurs, and individuals are waiting for your skilled work.

To ease your job search on Fiverr here we enlist the idea for your easy money-making.

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Step 1 – Create an Account

The first step to start Fiverr Business is to become a registered seller. To complete the first step of creating a new seller account on Fiverr.

Click the Join Button and you can signup through Social Media (or) using an Email Account. Just follow the on-screen instructions to complete the registration process.

You will receive a confirmation email. Check your email inbox and confirm the email belongs to you. After the confirmation of your new account, you can start creating new Gigs on Fiverr.

Step 2 – Creating a Seller Profile

Your profile is the first impression that attracts more buyers to buy your services. Hence use the opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, certifications, and anything that adds more value.

Also, don’t forget to upload your real photo. Your profile is the first thing that every buyer sees before making their hiring decision. The first impression is the best impression.

Update your profile regularly, so that, it can help buyers to take the firm decision in hiring you.

Step 3 – Identify Your Skills

A college student, job seeker, graduate, or housewife who are searching for a remote job to do in their free time must know their expertise field which is going to work.

Although, the skills may be gained from previous job experience or any certification or else from the hobby. No matter what skills you have, you can list your services and get more buyers from Fiverr.

For beginners, there is a separate skill test section on Fiverr. You can take any or all of these skill tests. On successful completion, Fiverr will issue a certificate and add a badge to your seller profile.

Step 4 – Creating A Gig

Create Gig Title and Category

This is the third and final process to start a Fiverr business – Creating a Gig based on your experience and skill. Buyers usually filter their search based on their service requirements.

So, search for the relevant keywords and name your Gig. Add as many details as possible on your services.

You can also write about your requirements for the projects, the time duration to complete the project, and your charge. You can also add plans for each Gig you post on Fiverr.

Using the right Gig title, description, and tags will easily promote your profile at the time when buyers search on Fiverr. For fast buying, the right information is important to care for.

For example, “I will offer excellent graphic design for $10” is the best example for a gig. It comprises the essential details including job and pay. Try like this.

Create Gig Metadata and Tags

Step 5 – Scope and Pricing

Project Scope and Pricing

The next part requires some more detailed information about your services. Fiverr gives you a special opportunity to unlock more earning potential from your Gigs.

Yes, you can create Packages of your services like basic, standard, and premium packages. Not all buyers have the same budget for the same task. For example, not all buyers can pay $50 to design a Logo for their business website.

Some can offer $5, and a few buyers can offer $10 and, so on. So, as a seller, you can create packages that help buyers to decide their budget for the particular project.

Carefully fill in all the details on this page. Additional perks like “Gig Extras” give more opportunities to upsell your services to the buyers.

Gig Extras

It is an additional feature by Fiverr to the freelancers to increase their revenue for the same services. It includes some of the upsell features like Extra fast delivery, Design customization, Content Upload, Additional revision, etc.

The buyers can choose these additional options if they are willing to pay more. If you are not clear on what to add to the Gig extras, you can use the pre-populated suggestions based on the Gig category.

Finally don’t forget to add a FAQ section. This will help you cut down extra time answering repeated questions again and again.

Step 6 – Write a Gig Description

Write Gig Description

The next process to start a Fiverr business is writing a perfect description that conveys your ideas and skills on the Gig. It must be in the form of a brief introduction.

Profile introduction with basic English which should not exceed more than two to three sentences. In this limit, you have to write the details like skill and experience.

The Gig description is like a sales page that lists your services as well as tells the difference between other sellers. It also helps the buyers to make a decision of buying your Gig.

You can search the Fiverr marketplace to see how other sellers have written their Gig description. This will give you an idea of what specific words to include in your writing.

To get a stable income and projects such as workouts like description writing while profile making is crucial. Provide your crisp and precise description.

After the description, Choose an appropriate category, sub-category, service type, and Gig Metadata. These terms help Fiverr to organize your Gig and show in the search results when someone searches for service.

Some common categories are Graphic Design, Video & Animation, Writing & Translation, Music & Audio, Data, Business, Programming & Tech, etc.

Use Target Keywords in Tags

Target keywords are the terms that profoundly appear on screen while searching your profile. As a beginner choosing the right target keywords are a clumsy one.

For your ease, just type your listed keywords on Fiverr. There are multiple keywords that will appear and gives you a simple idea.

However, Keywords are really important for your Gig sale. Try to be exact but not more than three words. It will first appear on the search list.

Anyway, if you don’t get an idea, try some other keyword planner tools to get precise keywords that relate to your profession.

Step 7 – Create Your Gig Image

Adding suitable and high-quality images can easily get more attention from the Gig buyers on Fiverr. Gigs with images provide a warm look.

Moreover, filling the images with essential and necessary details is enough. Do not add too much information in the Image that makes it weird.

The mild and pleasant color and simple choice of words can easily reach more buyers. Obviously, images partly show off your talent.

You can download the premium images from Pixabay, Shutterstock to develop a professional-looking image for your Gig.

Step 8 – Publish your Gig

Gig Image Published

This is the last step to start the Fiverr business. Cross verify all inputs in the Gig and hit publish button. Now, your Gig is published on the Fiverr Platform and can be listed in their search results.

When some searching for the similar services you listed, you can get a  chance to meet the buyer. Once the Gig is published, don’t forget to promote it through social media like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and Instagram.

Fiverr is a reliable platform for housewives, college students, and job goers who have special skills with free time. They can utilize this time and create a passive source of income.

List of Top Selling Gigs in Fiverr

The freelancers who are ready to start the Fiverr business as their career should know the top-selling gigs in this portal. It will easily help you with what to choose.

People from all over the world are using this portal to hire freelancers to complete their tasks. Comparing to other freelance market places it is the best platform to offer a career for your hobbies.

From high-tech programming to simple pranks, you can find an opportunity to earn from Fiverr. Having enough ideas, skills are the only requirement for the newbies.

Besides, there are some top Gigs that are always placing in the frontline of Fiverr. While choosing them you can earn more money on this platform. The popular Fiverr Gigs are:

  1. Logo Designing
  2. Social Media Manager
  3. Resume Writer
  4. Graphic Designer
  5. Digital Marketer
  6. Link Builder
  7. Content Writer

In that list, Graphic design, Video animation, illustrator, Content writer, Social Media Manager, and business analysts are in top position.

Not only these well-known fields but also Game developers, Audio editors, Consultants translators, and voice-over service providers are the top-selling gigs.

How to Become Successful in Fiverr?

To become a successful freelancer in Fiverr the perfect creation 0f Gig is required. Then, a proper promotional plan to market your services. All these are the initial process to reach more buyers.

Other than that, multiple publishing factors decide your stable growth in the marketplace of Fiverr.

When the freelancer receives the working order from the buyer, he/she should commit themselves to complete the project and satisfy the buyer.

The seller (freelancer) can communicate with the buyer anytime to ask the need and requirements of the employer. Make use of these benefits and gain good exposure.

Not but not least, try to complete the work on time and professionally present it to the buyer. Then only the buyer will approach you for further projects.

Once you hold such regular buyers it will rapidly increase your earnings on Fiverr. This portal offers review sessions for the buyer. So, don’t forget to get reviews from your buyer.

It is not only a good appreciation for your work, but also it speaks for you when a new buyer search for your Gig. As a freelancer, it is the primary and easy working portal to get more working opportunities. So try to level up your work and earn more money.

Read More: How to Prepare Yourself for a Successful Working from Home


Fiverr is the platform that offers an excellent gateway for your career. With the right skills, anyone can create a great source of passive income.

From the same working jobs like Virtual assistant, illustrator and etc, there are multiple hobbies corresponding jobs are available only at Fiverr.

Once you built a reputation, more and more buyers will come to hire your services. Thus, your revenue will increase unimaginably larger.

It is quite difficult at the beginning because no one knows who you are and how much are you skilled at working with? So, try to promote everywhere to get some buyers.

The longer you stay consistent with Fiverr business, the more opportunities will be open for you. Try to understand the system and learn how it works, so that, it will be easier for you to navigate.

There are so many people who have created a successful alternative source of income through Fiverr. And now, it’s your chance to create one.

All the best.

FAQ on Starting a Fiverr Business

Is Fiverr Good for Beginners?

Of course, Yes! Because there is no other platform where the entry barrier is low. If you have a skill, you can make money from this platform. Many people are willing to pay you for your skills and the work you do for them.

Is selling on Fiverr worth it?

Definitely and Maybe! If you list your services for $5 you will earn $4. If you list your services for $20 you will earn $19. It depends on how you position yourself on this platform.

Can you make good money on Fiverr?

Yes, the basic gig price is $5 whereas you can list your services for a higher price. Based on your experience and skill, you can quote your charges. It is the best platform to utilize your skills while earning extra income from home.

What sells the most on Fiverr?

Fiverr is a reliable freelancing platform for every people based on their own skillset. However, some popular Gigs sells the most are listed below:
1. Graphic Design including Logo Design, Landing Page Design, Business Card Design, Letter Head Design, Brochures, and Flyers.
2. Video Animation including Social Media Video Content, Doodle Videos, White Board Animation.
3. Content Writing Jobs like Blog Writing, Article Writing, Product Description Writing, Script Writing, Resume Writing.
4. Programming Jobs like Website Development, Coding, Bug Fixing.

Which Skill is Best in Fiverr?

There are some skills required to get more remote jobs from Fiverr and they are Designing, Coding, Programming, and Marketing.

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Myilraj G Author OnlineHomeIncome Blog

Hi, I am Myilraj.G!

Myilraj. G is a full-time Blogger, Content Writer, and Digital Marketer. A first-generation entrepreneur started his career as a blogger in 2013.

He helped 600+ individuals across India and a few outside India to start their blogging careers. He also helped SMEs to create their digital presence through his impeccable Digital marketing assistance.

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