8 Silly Beginner Blogging Mistakes to Avoid in 2024

Written by Myilraj G   |   in Start a Blog   |   Updated on October 18, 2024    |   0 Comments

The below-listed beginner blogging mistakes to avoid may look silly, but make sure you do not fall into these common traps! Learn how to escape and set your blog a successful venture.

Many people these days venture into blogging with a vision of creating a sustainable income. There are some blogging mistakes to avoid at your beginning to become successful.

Blogging is a slow-growing business. It takes more time to build a blog that makes money.

You may be a new blogger or have been doing blogging business for a while. Your mind strongly believes that you have the basics covered.

Even you have learned how to use WordPress, write reader-pleasing content, and know how to get blog traffic? But at some times, you may face difficulties.

There is no perfect start, and everyone makes mistakes at some stage. It helps them to groom their skill and provides an opportunity to learn how to do it right next time.

Beginner Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

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A few people start blogging without having a proper plan, vision, or goal. As I meet several new people often online, I found one common mistake among them.

It is,

Blogging is not as simple as writing something and expecting search engines to rank. A clear idea of what you are doing is much more important for your blogging success.

You can say that everything is right – SEO plugins show green – Keywords have decent search volume – every blog post is more than 2000 words.

But there is something not working – No one is coming, reading your content, and liking what you wrote.

It is time to realize your mistakes in blogging. Blogging mistakes cost time and money. There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes, but repeating them is a disaster.

Mistake 1: You are Writing for Yourself

Blogging is about sharing your experience and knowledge, but it does not mean that it’s about you.

Your blog will start to generate money only when it helps others.

When you write a post in your voice and have a personality that speaks about you – it’s a big mistake in blogging.

Just look at the successful blogs around you and try to observe how they succeed. Spend time learning how they drive traffic – get shares and comments.

You will notice that their blogs speak with their audience. They cover a common problem in their niche – identify the cause and bring a solution from their experience and knowledge.

Successful bloggers do this by injecting their expertise (personality), but still focusing on connecting with their audience.

What you should do now to avoid this mistake?

You must first understand why people want to visit your blog.

  • Ask yourself – do I have any valuables to share with them that help people in either way?
  • Will my experience and knowledge help people solve a problem in their lives?

Thinking of a niche and starting a blog – doing some keyword research and writing something will not bring you success.

  1. Put yourself into your audience’s shoes and think from their perspective. Talk about their problems and provide them with a solution.
  2. Engage with your audience, and write in a more conversational tone.
  3. Use less “I” and more “you” in your sentences.

These few tips can make you a successful blogger from the beginning.

Mistake 2: Not Focusing on One Niche at a Time

Not Focusing on One Niche

Another common blogging mistake to avoid is to limit yourself to one single niche (or a maximum of two).

Many newbies want to cover several topics. It will not work, and in order to be successful, you must first establish your authority.

Recently, I met two people on Facebook who approached me for blogging help. Both told me they like to write on many different topics.

One person wants to start a blog on travel niche, but he added that he wants to;

  • Write about places he visited in his past.
  • Talk about the culture and habitats in those places.
  • Include an E-store within the blog.
  • Few fiction stories he read.

I forget as he continues listing all the ideas that come into his mind on our discovery call. I am exaggerating hearing these ideas from him.

Still, people have the same mindset – blogging is all about writing everything and posting it.

This kind of blogging has already started losing its grip in the current market. People are not interested in learning everything.

It will not even work.

If you are a beginner blogger, the first step in blogging is to identify one single niche. Start writing around the topic consistently to boost traffic and grow your audience.

Blogging is a professional business. Many bloggers fail to make money because they fail to show their expertise, experience, and knowledge of the niche.

What you should do to avoid this second mistake?

Though you know about everything, stop showing it.

  1. Drill down yourself to one single niche that is laser-focused on creating content.
  2. Identify the target audience in the niche and produce useful content to attract more readers.
  3. Groom your skills and develop your expertise in the niche by sharing your experience in every piece of content. You do not have such experience at the beginning, but you can gain it over time.

It will be hard for you to narrow down and find a niche that makes you more money. But we have to make this hard decision to avoid mistakes in blogging.

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Mistake 3: Inconsistency in Publishing Blog Posts

The first few months of your blogging are very crucial for your long-term success. From the day you launch your blog, Google and other search engines start noticing your presence.

You must maintain consistency in publishing new blog posts to get your blog to rank higher on Google.

Create and publish posts frequently, constantly, and at the same time of the week.

I spoke about how often you need to blog in my other article. It will be interesting and mandatory to know at this moment.

Whenever you publish a blog post, you are expanding your search engine audience. You are increasing your keyword visibility and audience reach.

Strive to maintain consistency and possibility in posting SEO-friendly blog posts. Follow a schedule of posting two quality articles weekly (eight posts a month).

One common blogging mistake among beginners is irregular blogging. Sometimes they publish more and leave a long gap (almost a month or two) – again came back to publish more blog posts.

Publishing posts at regular intervals eases search engines and people to familiarize themselves with you.

What should you do to maintain consistency?

  1. Create a blogging schedule and list your daily activities.
  2. Even experienced bloggers run out of ideas sometimes. So, to avoid it create a content calendar after reading this article on how to come up with new blog post ideas.
  3. Know when to blog and blog at regular intervals (that is, 2 to 3 blog posts a week).
  4. Prepare content at your weekends to avoid the last-minute rush.

Blogging takes time, and you must follow discipline by scheduling your blogging activities.

Mistake 4: Not Building Email List (Subscribers)

Not Building Email List

Blogging is a professional business. It needs some investment like other businesses.

You need to purchase a domain name, web hosting, and a WordPress theme to start blogging.

Do you know how much does it cost to start a blog? Blogging needs a minimum investment of between $80 to $100.


One more crucial investment is purchasing a subscription plan from any email marketing service. I always insist every newbie start collecting their visitor email from day one.

Your subscribers are the first line of your audience. They help you generate income from your blog till you gain organic visibility.

Even if your blog gets hit by an algorithmic update, there is no need to worry. You can send a regular email to your subscribers and keep them coming back.

Every subscriber on your list is worth it, and they give you a lot of opportunities to earn from your blog.

They trust you and believe in your recommendation. You can sell your affiliate product or service – courses, ebooks, etc.

What should you do now to build an email subscriber list?

  1. After your blog is set up, invest money to create an email newsletter system. Many services like Mailchimp, Aweber, Get Response, etc., provide this service.
  2. Get a WordPress plugin like Optin-monster and install it. I use Thrive Leads to collect emails and Mailgun SMTP to deliver newsletters to my subscriber’s inboxes.
  3. Make sure to not spam your subscriber’s inbox. Limit yourself to sending one or two emails every week.
  4. Send only important emails like new posts, offers, product knowledge, course launches, achievements, etc.

These emails pull more readers to your blog and increase pageviews and engagement. Learn how many pageviews do you need to monetize your blog.

Beginner bloggers can make money in their early stages if they have built a strong subscriber list.

Mistake 5: Not Building a Relationship with Your Visitors

Did you notice the recent post’s comment section of every successful blogger? If not, check now and tell me if you observe this.

Whenever they publish a new post, there are hundreds of comments posted by regular visitors.

Look at their social media wall, and it reflects the same. You can see hundreds of comments from their followers.

  • After you hit the publish button, craft an email newsletter and deliver it to your subscriber’s inbox.

It will happen to you if you build a relationship with your regular visitors. Blogging is about building a virtual community where people with different mindsets meet one another for a reason.

The reason may be to find a solution or solve a problem. Show your expertise and help them to solve their issues. Go one step beyond the circle to offer the help they need. It creates a strong bond.

Building a blogging relationship helps to develop loyal followers, and make new friends, and one day, you will become an authoritative source.

As more people visit your blog and engage – followers comment on your social media wall –
sends a positive signal to search engines.

Finally, it leads to increased organic visibility and ranking. A few newbie bloggers often encounter these blogging mistakes and fail to grow their blogs.

What should you do now to build your relationship?

Therefore, it’s clear that a meaningful relationship is beneficial for both bloggers and visitors.

But, how can you build this bonding?

  1. Create interesting and meaningful posts in a conversational tone (like you are talking to your friend). The blog is not a place to showcase your grammar excellence.
  2. Learn the art of storytelling. People do not like to read boring long sentences that have no feelings or emotions.

People visit blogs not to read the content but for the man behind the blog. They believe that his/her experience can help solve their problems.

Therefore, your blog fails if it fails to talk to your readers and share their feelings and emotions.

Words have power and use it wisely to build a strong bonding with your blog readers.

Mistake 6: Not Focusing on Creating a User-friendly Blog

Presenting a blog in a way readers like is a great method to grow your blog. One such beginner blogging mistake to avoid is spending time creating visually friendly designs with the ease of user navigation.

It means you should invest in purchasing WordPress themes that are designed specifically for blogs.

Even if you have great content but fail to present it – your blog will fail. People will abandon your blog and will not come again.

You have less than three seconds to impress people and make them sit to consume the whole content.

Content creation and blog design have equal importance in deciding the blog’s success.

What should you do now to make your blog visually stunning?

Assume that your blog is built on WordPress.

  1. The first step is finding a specific WP theme designed for blogs. I prefer Thrive Theme Builder and I developed nearly 600+ blogs and websites.
  2. The header and footer play a crucial role in helping readers to navigate different parts of your blog.
    • Bounce rate is an important ranking factor (it measures the average users spending time on your blog). Decrease the bounce rate to improve your blog ranking. So consider creating a noticeable, descriptive navigation system.
  3. Blogging is primarily text-based and designed for reading therefore choosing the right font is essential. It should be easy to read on a screen – set 14px to 16px with enough line height.
  4. At last, colors. It is easy to read dark font on a white background. Strive to create a simple layout with fewer colors.

Pay equal attention to both content creation and content presentation. Your blog design takes your readers to various parts of your blog.

Always give equal attention to user experience in your blog design. You cannot generate revenue without people visiting your blog.

Mistake 7: Not Creating Engaging Content on Your Blog

Images speak louder than words, and a single image can convey a message efficiently. Even if you write 1000-word articles, users will not consume the whole content if you are not adding visual elements.

Human brains are designed to process visuals faster than texts. That’s why I insist on adding images, graphs, vectors, illustrations, and infographics to your blog post.

When you include media in your blog posts, it increases engagement. People spend more time on your blog consuming knowledge and information.

It ultimately reduces the bounce rate and improves your blog’s organic visibility. Along with a good blog design, make sure you create engaging content by adding appropriate visuals.

Most newbie bloggers often make blogging mistakes and worry later after seeing no traction. They focus more on publishing a large volume of content but fail to add engagement.

What should you do now to create engaging content?

Adding visuals is the best way to increase engagement.

  1. Hire a graphic designer to design various images for your blog post. It includes featured images, action images, procedures, and even graphs.
  2. If it’s not affordable for you, learn to design by yourself. Canva is a down-to-earth tool for bloggers. Canva is free to use (give it a try!).

I use Adobe Photoshop for images and creating other visual content for my blog.

Mistake 8: Not Developing a Faster Blog

Develop a Fast Loading Blog

Do you know speed is an important ranking factor? Google launched many algorithmic updates like page speed updates, core web vitals, etc. putting so much stress on improving the blog loading speed.

We all use WordPress as a blogging platform. It is a resource-intensive application as we have less control to optimize the software.

Therefore, special care should be taken to improve your page speed to rank higher. People do not have the patience to wait till your page loads.

A blog that takes more than three seconds to load will be abandoned by the users. Even if you have great content and stunning design, no one will open your blog if it takes more time to load.

It is a crucial beginner blogging mistake to avoid this year. It is better to ask for a suggestion or help from an experienced blogger before setting up your blogging platform.

What should you do now to make your blog faster?

  1. The first step is to find a WordPress theme specifically developed for blogs. I told you earlier that I use Thrive Theme Builder for this blog onlinehomeincome.in.
  2. Shared web hosting is enough at your beginning, but make sure you buy it from a reputed company.
  3. Invest in WordPress caching plugins like Litespeed WP cache, W3TC, WP-Rocket, etc.
  4. Integrate your blog with any CDN (because bloggers usually target a global audience). I use Bunny CDN with Cloudflare to deliver content much faster.
  5. Buy the Imagify plugin to convert JPEG, png, and other formats into webp format for super-fast delivery.

Above all, you must maintain your blog database at regular intervals by cleaning dump rows and data.

Always check your blog loading speed by using tools like Gtmetrix, Webpagetest, and Google page speed insights.


More people around us are aware of this business and starting one daily. I read somewhere on the Internet that nearly three million blog posts are published daily.

It means the competition is growing. It’s the right time to start blogging. To ensure that your blog stands ahead of the crowd, avoid these mistakes in blogging.

Follow these tips and, if necessary, apply changes in your blogging if you are already doing it.

When I started this blog onlinehomeincome.in, I have no one to guide me. And so, it took me more than five years to make blogging a full-time income.

Today, I own five blogs in different niches, and all blogs generate a decent income.

The situation is totally different, and newbies have so many resources to learn to blog before they start. I hope this article on beginner blogging mistakes to avoid will surely enlighten your darkness.

Still, many people hesitate to blog and make sure you help those by sharing this article with them.

FAQ: Silly Beginner Blogging Mistakes to Avoid this Year

What are the common beginner blogging mistakes in 2024?

Blogging is profitable in the long run, and you need to put in hard work and effort to make it happen. But still, a few newbies make these common mistakes often. They write without proper keyword research, do not care about the audience, write about everything, and not focus on one single niche, and focus on quantity rather than quality. Moreover, beginner bloggers do not post regularly at their initial stages, do not promote their blogs on social media, not investing in buying essential plugins, themes, CDN subscriptions, email marketing subscriptions, etc. These common blogging mistakes should be avoided by beginners at their starting stage.

How can new bloggers set themselves up for success in 2024?

Setting yourself smart goals is essential for blogging success this year. The goals can further be divided into short-term goals like weekly and monthly and long-term goals like yearly, banally, and triennially. Weekly goals like publishing two high-quality blog posts. Monthly goals like publishing one guest post. Sticking to these goals can bring success in a shorter time.

What are some common mistakes in blogging as a beginner?

Starting a blog is easy, and making it a successful online business is a hard task. You have to put the effort into publishing content, driving traffic, and monetizing it. To ensure it happens, avoid these mistakes in blogging – not defining the target audience, focusing on publishing large quantity blog posts, spending too much time on SEO, writing on every topic, and not promoting his/her blog.

About the Author

Myilraj G
Myilraj G 

Myilraj. G is a full-time Blogger, Content Writer, and Digital Marketer. A first-generation entrepreneur started his career as a blogger in 2013.
He helped 600+ individuals across India and a few outside India to start their blogging careers. He also helped SMEs to create their digital presence through his impeccable Digital marketing assistance.

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